What Does Purple Boots Creative Do?

Everything I have lived and experienced—from decades of dance and choreography and theater, to my somatic movement education and how it supported my cancer experiences, to my own emotional and spiritual crises of faith, to my ongoing research in current neuro-cognitive science and healing trauma responses—is now integrated into Purple Boots Creative.

Our Mission—Empowering Change through Advocacy and Movement. Purple Boots Creative exists to support you, your company, your group, your community, your medical or education institution in whatever change you desire to navigate or initiate with grace, dynamic balance, openness, and resilience.  Read our story.

What change do you want or need? And what is the relationship between change, creativity, and movement–on or off the stage?

Movement can take so many forms:

  • dancing and creative expression for artistic growth or performance,
  • navigating through personal life challenges,
  • shifting spiritual priorities,
  • negotiating the balance between individual and group dynamics in a company,
  • developing more empathetic understanding of other demographics and populations, through everything from medical improv to embodied trauma release,
  • advocating for ourselves and for other groups, whether it be a performance cast or a group of cancer veterans who need someone to speak on behalf of their experiences, or a marginalized group overlooked by society…

And the more I live, the less sure I am that there are any real distinctions between all those different forms.

Movement in any form–physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, political, energetic–by definition involves change. From one point/place/identity/habit/idea to another. And change needs an openness, an uncertainty, an allowing of space into which new forms can emerge. So all movement is change, and all change is creating something. We are all creators, we are all artists, we are all movers.

What do YOU want to create? How do you want to move YOUR creativity? We live in times of great change, although between just you and me, hasn’t every era said that?! Navigating change is crucial to both survival and joy, to all levels of human experience—as an individual, and as we are hopefully discovering more and more, as a whole, as a planet, as one people. How can we advocate for the circumstances we wish to change, while still acknowledging and accepting where we are? How do we live that “and/also”?

Purple Boots Creative offers classes, workshops, speaking engagements, private sessions, and online support for you. From Dance Technique to Somatic Yoga to Empowering Group Dynamics to Creative Spirituality to Patient Advocacy/Patient Opinion Leadership to Speaking and Consulting engagements, we are able to empower you in following your paths–personal and also professional, individual and also group. Let us help you discover your own inner creator and support you in whatever change you are moving through so that you move creatively and powerfully through the world as well..

 See Services for more details on past and upcoming events, as well as a partial menu of services provided. We can focus on experiential or lecture-based or any mix thereof. All can be tailored to your particular needs or those of your group. Or we’ll create something and new for you. It’s what we do!

Suitable for:

  • Dance, Yoga, and Acting Studios
  • Theaters and Performance Programs
  • Spiritual Centers
  • Art Centers
  • Creativity and Creative Process Explorations
  • Somatic Movement for Whole Well-Being (Private sessions, Classes, or Workshops)
  • Teaching Artist Residencies
  • Men’s and Women’s Groups
  • Motivation, Inspirational, and Cancer Awareness Events 
  • Corporations and Companies for Training in Collaborative Leadership
  • Medical Humanities Conferences
  • Educational Institutions
  • Wellness and Heath Centers
  • People who just want to grow and learn and thrive more joyously

Contact us for more information.